P.s. Boobies
It seems that every time we have a gathering at our apartment our guests are compelled to take it upon themeselves to write various things on our whiteboards. Last time we wound up with some comments about vaginas being awesome, butthole pleasures, and 1 very long explanation as to how to get to my room and whether or not those directions were meant for the ladies or the gentlemen. This time around we have "Kelsey", "Tites and Buttes", and "My God is bigger than your God" followed by, in different handwriting, "My God's followers will kill your God's followers". The last two being next to a very intricate set of glyphs.
I dunno why, it all makes me happy.
My favorite "Classic" mariachi song is "Volver, Volver". It is my favorite because you absolutely do not have to be able to sing to belt that mutha out. The music is mournful and the lyrics themselves are sad, if not a bit hopeful. It could also be my favorite because of Luis and Flavio Salazar. They were singing it for school talent shows since 3rd grade and I always was envious of their being on stage while I was not. Anyway, I am looking for sheet music so I can play it on piano.