Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Interview with a Vampyre (<--ten points if you get the reference)

At the behest of a friend I picked up Anne Rice yesterday. I'm only a third through the book and I'll hold verdict for when I have finished the whole thing, but I am enjoying the simple act of reading a novel for pleasure. It has been a little over a month since the last time I sat down for a good, bound yarn. A month doesn't seem like very long now that I write it down but I found that I did, in fact, miss it. Good books, hell even mediocre books, are the only things that can hold my attention for long periods of time, outside of coding that is. Even more pleasurable with my new pipe.

Sidebar: I did manage to guess Tarang's gift to me. While talking to him about it he slipped up and mentioned a blog post of mine that discusses what I wanted for Christmas. So I looked at the list again and narrowed it down to what I thought he might get me. Either a knife, a humidor, or a pipe. Then, after furthur rumination I decided that the only one of those three he would call Austin for advice for was the pipe. This was about the time I made my last post about this. So I decided to smoke Austin out by threatening to purchase my own pipe. His response was any excuse he could grapple at to not go to the Tabacco shop, which sealed the deal because if he didn't think Tarang was getting me one we would have run out right then and there. He didn't break, though, until I was actually at the tabacco shop holding a pipe I was planning on purchasing. With Tarang's approval, I was informed officially that a pipe was on the way.

It turned out to be a really nice pipe as well. It came with 2 stems, the longer, more Gandalf-like being my favored. I've gotten many comments on it at various parties, get-togethers, gala events. So in the end, though he is rude, arrogant, and a touch racist, Tarang gives good presents and as such is to be valued as a friend.


At 4:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for Interview with a Vampire!!!! I think we should start an anne rice book club. Because I kinda went on a rant...well really 5 rants and gave dylan the abrigded version of the entire series and it was really exciting. I can't wait until we can discuss it in depth!

At 7:20 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

I'm sorry, but I am not nearly confident enough in my sexuality to join a "Anne Rice Book Coven". I'll throw down on a Hogwarts discussion group anytime though.

It's also worth mentioning that Sarah is watching as I type this and has told me I am a dork.

At 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So in the end, though he is rude, arrogant, and a touch racist, Tarang gives good presents and as such is to be valued as a friend."

Not the prettiest fucking picture to paint of me.

Then again I am extraordinarily fucking irritated right now for unrelated reasons and am letting the stupidest of things irritate me even more.

I guess I AM rude ;)

At 8:37 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

Well, I sure am sorry my sarcasm found you in an unreceptive mood. I love you man.


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