Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I'm Not Sure

Did we ever really need Pastafarianism? It would seem that The Noodley Appendage need not serve as our allegorical beast of burden when we have, in the same world we live in, the CoS.

If you were not shaken to question some of your more base assumptions by the ardent believers of Xenu then could an absurdist artifact possibly have a chance? I maintain no.

Nothing, no matter how universally far-flung in concept it might be, could ever wrest Xenu from his high throne of insanity. Why? Because he was not conceived of to prove a point. No he has followers without irony. He will one day serve as figure head for a crusade.

He is real.

It so belittles the hyper-literate detachment the followers of the FSM carry so proudly as to make me wonder, explicitly, if perhaps I should go in for my free personality test.


At 9:15 AM , Blogger Mac said...

You absolutely should take that test. I did, and me life changed. I never realized how depressed I was, or how hard I always tried to push my friends away, and how I secretly hate everyone. Thank Xenu for the CoS opening my eyes, for only $15 dollars a session.


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