Wednesday, August 29, 2007

They're not even /THAT/ cute

Did you know that Eucalyptus leaves aren't very nutritious? I didn't know that until I recently watched this documentary on the endangered Panda. It would seem that the endangered Pandas eat only this languid leaf.

Before I was able to lament mankind's crime against the once rich world of Eucalyptus trees that sustained a vast populace of ever fatter Panda's the documentary mentioned that Eucalyptus is not going extinct.

No, in fact Eucalyptus is fine, unfortunately the Panda is only able/willing to eat the leaves from a certain strain of eucalyptus that only grows in certain elevation on certain hills in a certain part of the Orient.

So while these Pandas consume almost worthless leaves all day long to sustain the energy needed to sit and eat all day long they have very little time to breed. If you were constantly hungry and never moved you'd have a hard time getting laid too. They breed every few years or so and only have 1 cub.

When they finally do managed to get knocked up the offspring are born completely helpless and the mother, who only eats what amounts to fibrous dust, has trouble coming up with very nutritious milk and so a lot of the cubs die. The ones that don't need so much care that the mother is unable to eat enough.

Fuck the Panda! I guess I can get on board when the bald eagle or bison need our help but these dumb, lazy ass evolutionary mistakes aren't even trying to meet us halfway. The fact that you're 'cute' doesn't give justification for some poorly placed sense of entitlement. The world doesn't owe you shit and I think we need to stop giving. They need to go extinct already.

Fuck the Panda

Monday, August 27, 2007

‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉Alfonso Lopez


‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉If you type in this character for some reason what you subsequently type in will be put in right to left. Crazy Huh?

Thursday, August 23, 2007



I look at it this way: With my technolust pushing me inexorably toward Apple I chose the cheaper of 2 evils. So really, if you would allow me, I saved 1800$ yesterday buy purchasing an iPhone rather than a Macbook. When seen from this angle, through this prism, am not I a model of self-restraint? The fact that I didn't buy any accessories for the phone serves as further evidence of my stoic resolve to save save save. So in reality, while the world will decry my weakness I am, in a subtle yet profound irony, a pillar of strength. A paragon of will. A pity of fate, hoist by my own misunderstood yet noble pitard.

It is neat though! I've heard back and forth about the keyboard, but it works beautifully. The proper method of using it requires a blind faith that the phone will understand magically what your mis-spelled peckings were intended to be. Generally it works!

To further rationalize what is probably a completely unnecessary purchase I will mention that I did not have a smart phone previously. As a result the web access stuff remains novel to me. the phones google maps interface is remarkably well put together. I also enjoy having the weather and stocks, two things I /constantly/ check on, in the palm of my hand.

Oh! and the new ipod interface is getting better. I do like the album cover jukebox thing. It isn't all that useful but still fun.

Alas, I am a tester by trade and I have found many a design decisions I question and even a few bugs. Still, I'm ok with this purchase.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

400k for a 1 bedroom and it's not even in Seattle! Did this person not read a news article in the last 4 months? Sure it's not exactly a sub-prime area but this is so absurdly high that I wonder if maybe some incipient mania is slowly overcoming this idiot. I can get a good sized 2 bedroom for 300k /in the city/ and while that too is absurdly high it at the very least shows that the seller has a passing familiarity with the current market and, unlike this marble-gargler, reality.

Of course I should mention that this suburban postage stamp is "better than new". I don't know what that means. Perhaps when new the place /didn't/ imbue the owner with the ability to rub his dick on his wallet to produce cash and now that it is better than new it does. Or maybe before an upgrade the place didn't cure MS. Maybe, after some work put in by the current owner, the place is a powerful aphrodisiac to the very rare Peruvian water alpacas whose coat acts as a powerful, and valuable, insulator used by NASA and Toyota.

I swear, if I catch wind of this place selling at that price.....[End Rant]

I just decided to actually look up the prices in the area... He's right on the money. That's some bullshit, 'cause I gotta tell you, Bellevue is not. that. nice. Unless you like baja fresh, neiman marcus and self-entitled white folks. I guess a lot of folks do. I'll stick to the stinky-ass and, evidently, cheaper city.

It's good though, maybe that means demand on the west-side is going down and when I do get my condo it'll be for just under the amount of absolutely astronomical ream you in the ass with the last of your dignity expensive.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Is any one else enjoying following the whole elemenstor saga thing?

It requires years of having your nose in a fantasy book and a deck of magic cards that hails from, at most, 5th grade to even remotely appreciate this...thing. It is not something to be proud of.

We've created the world's first recursive subculture. Like a fork bomb we will incessantly re-fracture until we are out of resources and then just blow the fuck up.


On a lark I played the BioShock demo at Jim's yesterday afternoon. I figured I could put off lunch a few minutes and give it a whirl.

I haven't been this excited about a games since I played the gears of war demo; the level of excitement more than the timespan being the intended impression. To be fair the games smacks of steam punk, if missing entirely any steam, and I like that weird dystopic, art deco thing. Still, it's getting the requisite rave reviews of any game I eventually play and so I feel comfortable investing the 50 bucks and my afternoon/evenings/weekends for the next two weeks. Wee.

On an entirely separate lark, perhaps a cousin of the previous lark, or a thinner, more graceful acquaintance, I decided I wanted to go dancing. Not the mere palpitating seizures of club dancing, but the more adroit, and enjoyable, prancings of ballroom dancing.

Fortunately we used to go to this place in capitol hill when were but young interns and so we knew a place.

Unfortunately the century ballroom website failed to mention that Sunday's are pedophile night. Usually the place is 21 and up but on the day we go it is apparently 'all high school girls all the time'.

The wind in our sails died and was replaced by a powerful sense of being creepy. Still we bounced back and found the reasonably aged women and danced with them instead. By the end I was just grabbing who was nearest me at the beginning of a song. I'm pretty sure some jailbait made it in during the frenzy.

This one lady I danced with, an older dame, was an incredible dancer. I'd never danced with someone so good, it was like driving a sports car. Slammin.

Fun stuff, everyone had a good time. *glee*

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Babs and I shared an elevator with this old man on the way to a walk. After a few seconds of silence this man turns to me and says, "I wish I had got a dog rather than a wife" then sort of clams up.

The scary part was the look he wore. His eyes pleaded with me to understand. It was as if a veteran grandfather was attempting to coax his grandson not to enlist: "Sure there's easy access to sex, but then you get sick and injured and when you finally get out you're too lame to enjoy life."


Friday, August 03, 2007

I think she was german

The last class I had last summer (over a year go, goodness) was economics. I don't know about everyone else, but the strangely attractive professor might as well have been giving this lecture to me: