Well, it looks like my prediction didn't materialize. Harry is not in a smoky battleground littered with the bodies of wizard both good and evil. He is also not covered in grisly battle scars or wielding two wands. Hermione is not floating behind him like Storm.
He is, however, in some sort of arena with Voldemort. If I were to allow myself some assumptions I would reckon that he and Voldemort are doing battle. The seats of the arena are filled. I figure they are death eaters in those seats since anyone else would be helping. Though it wouldn't be difficult to imagine a scenario where regular wizards also look on with out offering aid.
The interesting thing is that both Voldemort and Harry are reaching out for something to the right. What is it? Neither one has a wand in their hands....
I'm excited http://www.the-leaky-cauldron.org/gallery/dhus
Edit: Two more things. Harry has something around his neck. I can't remember if it could be anything from the previous books (I guess I have to read them now). Also, their are curtains! Could these be the curtain in the ministry of mysteries? Are those, then, not the death eaters? Could one of them even be....?
HOLE-EEEEE-SHIT I'm getting that bug....WHY AM I AT WORK? I need to be sitting at a table with people who are discussing this.
EDIT2: It actually looks like harry is reaching for something and Voldemort is pushing it away. OK, ok, I swear I'm going to do some work now.