Thursday, November 30, 2006

Monads.....and Type

Important as maintaining my image is to me, I wanted to come up with some clever reason for going along. I would love for people to think, upon reading this post, "how deliciously ironic for him to wade the murky waters of the common for our entertainment." Unfortunately I've got nothing. I love these things and since I've been, ahem, "tagged" there just wasn't ever a remote chance I wouldn't pounce on the opportunity.

So, lets begin:

Dawg I got tagged like a mug by Crystal.

1. 3 Things that scare me: loneliness, failure, being stupid
2. 3 People who make me laugh: Matthew Seeds, Joe Reisinger, Monica Lopez
3. 3 Things I love: Good Food, Abstract Elegance, Hard Belly-Laughter
4. 3 Things I hate: Political Correctness, Whining, Women
5. 3 Things I don’t understand: Poetry, Close-Mindedness (stolen, but true), When Smokers throw their shit on the ground...FUCK YOU!
6. 3 Things on my desk: Really Old Bills, My Apt. Lease, a Monitor
7. 3 Things I’m doing right now: Beaming about my essay, Watching Scoop, Thinking about moving
8. 3 Things I want to do before I die: Own Land, become a helicopter pilot, Eva Longoria
9. 3 Things I can do: Program very well, Teach, make folks laugh
10. 3 Things I can’t do: concentrate, eat any kind of squash without vomiting, 10 pullups
11. 3 Things I think you should listen to: Anything Jim or I or both tell you, Malaguena by the blue devils, My sister singing Ave Maria
12. 3 Things you should never listen to: Anything Jim or I or both tell you, Modest Mouse, Me singing Ave Maria
13.3 things I would like to learn: Japanese, Sailing, Judo
14. 3 Favorite foods: Sushi, Menudo, Spanish Rice
15. 3 things you drink a lot of: Orange Juice, Milk, Water
16. 3 Shows I watched as a kid: Perfect Strangers, Thundercats, Garfield and Friends
17. 3 People I’m tagging (to do this meme): Sarah, Tarang, Jim

To the people I tagged: I really only chose the three people I know who read this and blog with any kind of apologies.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


If you ask someone if they are it a query?

And do they give a straight answer?

I don't care what the world thinks, that joke is funny.

Book Club

I'm going to start a book club.

I got this idea from a course I am taking; I want to have a book club that reads a book in whatever interval of time and creates or updates the wikipedia entry for it when ever the group meets.

So who wants to join my book club?

On a similar vein: The "Baroque Cycle" looms heavily in my horizon. I feel like a girl staring down a 14'' dick...

At least I think so. I can't say for sure since I am not a girl and surely haven't seen any 14'' dicks.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

So Much To Read!

Things I am Researching for life:
Home Financing
King County Home Market
King County Apt. Market
Mutual Funds
401K and retirement shit
Car Market
Car Insurance
Health Insurance

I thought studying went out the window with graduation. It's a happy chore, to be sure, but like my freshman year I feel disillusioned about my level of preparedness. I've spent a good month or so in fairly continuous introspection and have come up with this:

1. I will not be selling joyce. I figure I'll just run her till she taps out. I love that car.
2. I will be buying a home within the next year and a half. Probably a condo or townhouse.
3. My bonii will sit in some higher returning state of low liquidity until I buy that house. CD most likely
4. My student loans will be paid from my check over time.
5. I will live in First Hill when I get to Seattle. It's supposedly rising in value and I want to experiment with it for at least 4 months.
6. I won't be maxing out my 401k contributions for a few years
7. Geico
8. The Land Buying dream is being pushed back to the five-year plan
9. Sony SXRD =-D.
10. I want to finish some formal training on DBA stuff.

Thats all I have for now. Now that it's written down I can stop thinking about it.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Is being torn down. Come the end of this year they are going to tear down Taymax!

It's funny, and a little poetic. June 01 of 2001: A young and wide-eyed me walked into his first class ever in his college career in Tay 2.106. December 2006: An older and deeply jaded me will walk out of his last class ever in college in Tay 2.106. CS 307 and CS 372 respectively.

After that they will tear down the classroom that pretty much /is/ UTCS in my eyes and the eyes of many others.

If I recall i took 6 or 7 classes in that room. I won't bother to count the number of ACM officer meetings were held there. Movie nights, anime nights, smash brothers tournaments, lectures, company nights, general meetings, pizza after programming contest.

What percentage of my wardrobe was obtained there? What percentage of my social circle did I meet there?

Dan, Dan, Dave, Long, Crystal, Jeff, Tarang, Kat, Kethan, Kennon, Shrew, Sam, Classic Sam, Rave Donkey, Matthew, Corn, Matthew, Dylan, Amiya, Boss, Keith, Mark, Will....It goes on forever.

How many hours of sleep did I get in there?

How much of my current marketable worth was given to me in there?

I am sad.

I'm going to take a souvenir. Like a chair, or the sign on the door....or the door.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


A month ago I, in my infinite generosity and philanthropy, gave blood to the good folks ad MD Anderson Cancer research. Reveling in the knowledge that I had just saved lives and the knowledge that I was about to consume the most deserved peanut butter cheese cracker a human being could possibly dream of obtaining I walked. I needed a place to pop a squat for the next hour or so while my body dealt the issue of missing a couple of pints of blood. I chose, poorly, Metro.

I walked in light-headed and sat down to enjoy my peanut butter cheese cracker. My higher-cognitive functions didn't really want to fire but I enjoyed a childish glee when I set to open the peanut butter cheese cracker. That was when the demented harpy that runs the place decided to kick me out for having outside food. I explained to her, calmly, that I had just given blood and that she was a miserly little bitch whose whore of a mother shouldn't have ever brought a child into this world after laying with beelzebub. She didn't take it well.

Now today, for reasons I can't even imagine, I went back. I just like couches and the smell of coffee. I sat down and began to read the interspherewebcomtronnet. About 2 minutes in I once again smelled the putrid oder of filthy greed and disdain. Bitch-tits McGee comes up and says "if you're using the internet you should purchase something". An increasingly less reasonable demand from a the madam of a coffee house on fucking campus but I relented and offered to purchase a cold and delicious IBC root beer.

1.50. I offer my credit card and she points sharply at her sign that says "Cash Only". I wash shocked -- SHOCKED! Now, if you're able to go back in time to get one of those signs from the 80's you should be rich enough to live without owning the most pinche coffee house in existence. I just left.

Thats not completely true. I asked her what generation she thought she was serving and how many among them did she think used cash regularly. I also asked if she had any idea how absurd she was backdropped by campus culture. I don't think I put it that elegantly at the time, but the idea come forth. She started talking but all I could make out was "I'm a selfish bitch who ruined this establishment. I think I am new agey and hip but in reality I am just another vagina made dusty by disuse. Take solace in my inability masked as unwillingness to procreate." Then I just left.

I hate metro. And I would enjoy it if you hated metro too.


Sidebar: I still havn't had my root beer and I /REALLY/ want one now. You go to hell bitch-tits! You go to hell and you DIE!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


"Which Wich" is catching on here in the Taylor Basement. I refuse!


Monday, November 13, 2006

Credit Score

I just did my first annual free credit report with equifax. I'm doing pretty darn ok. =-D

Sprint PCS thinks I owe them 86 dollars twice...apparently. I'm disputing the claim since I don't owe them diddly-squat besides a good 'fuck you'.

Further Bulletins as events warrant.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Stranger Than Fiction

What are our regulatory bodies doing with their damn time? I only ask because dvd collections of my favorite TV shows are being shipped even though the end of the opening credits do not coincide with the end of a chapter. This means I cannot click "next" to skip precisely only those credits. Since this is happening with some regularity I can only assume that the practice is not illegal on pain of dissolution.

So while our beloved regulators argue fervently over "tubes" and the like these kind of atrocities abound.

I am angry. The special kind of angry I save for groups of people rather than individual people. Racism angry. It's a deeper more pure anger unfettered by reason or doubt.

Oh! Also Stranger than fiction astounded me. I was astounded. Draw dropping, finger-lickin', rib-stickin', belly-laughing good.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Interesting Idea

You can eliminate personality types by infecting whatever artifacts of their personality you can think of.

For instance: To kill annoyingly impatient people, infect the door close button in the elevator.

Or: To kill chatty-politicals you could just infect the New York Times

To kill geeks: Infect dry-erase ink.

Can you come up with any?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I am just profoundly larger than my co-conspirators. I miss the days of football and basketball practice.


For the last 2 weeks or so you'd have been hard pressed to find rice in my apartment. Every afternoon, with the exception of T's weekend of hardcore eating out, I would resolve to make myself a meal consisting of rice combined in some fashion with onions, or chicken, or soy sauce. My entire life, whatever kitchen most commonly prepared my food overflowed with rice just bursting with...well it was there. "Ass out of you and me" and all that so I generally began to prepare my meal only to realize midway the paucity I was yolked with. The waste of sliced garlic sickens me to this day.

I finally got fed up this morning and skipped class to purchase a 20 lbs bag of rice. While I meandered through the aisles looking for interesting coupons I stumbled on a display of pomegranates. Up to this point I'd never laid my eyes on a pomegranate so I bought one.

Cut to 30 minutes later. With rice, sausage, mushrooms and onions simmering I sat down and held the pomegranate in front of me like an Escher reflecting globe. For several minutes I sat considering the pomegranate as it blankly stared back. Shamed that I had just purchased a...thing about which I knew nothing with the intent of somehow putting it in my stomach, I popped open the old Wikipedia.

The Wikipedia McLesson armed me with the method of extracting the supposedly delicious and vaguely insect-like seeds in Paulie. It involves a bowl of water, a primitive grasp of density, and a wife-beater that looks like I just killed an entire village of smurfs.

I'm not sure what to do now. The seeds are, in fact, delicious, but I don't really know how to use pomegranate insides. For now I am just eating them with my cereal.