Friday, November 17, 2006


Is being torn down. Come the end of this year they are going to tear down Taymax!

It's funny, and a little poetic. June 01 of 2001: A young and wide-eyed me walked into his first class ever in his college career in Tay 2.106. December 2006: An older and deeply jaded me will walk out of his last class ever in college in Tay 2.106. CS 307 and CS 372 respectively.

After that they will tear down the classroom that pretty much /is/ UTCS in my eyes and the eyes of many others.

If I recall i took 6 or 7 classes in that room. I won't bother to count the number of ACM officer meetings were held there. Movie nights, anime nights, smash brothers tournaments, lectures, company nights, general meetings, pizza after programming contest.

What percentage of my wardrobe was obtained there? What percentage of my social circle did I meet there?

Dan, Dan, Dave, Long, Crystal, Jeff, Tarang, Kat, Kethan, Kennon, Shrew, Sam, Classic Sam, Rave Donkey, Matthew, Corn, Matthew, Dylan, Amiya, Boss, Keith, Mark, Will....It goes on forever.

How many hours of sleep did I get in there?

How much of my current marketable worth was given to me in there?

I am sad.

I'm going to take a souvenir. Like a chair, or the sign on the door....or the door.


At 9:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I had a class in that room EVERY semester.

Why is this happening!?

At 8:03 PM , Blogger crystal said...

Why the heck are they tearing it down?! that is so sad. very very sad.

At 9:59 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

That is poetic....a nice ending for you hun. P.S. Miss you, dylan, and austin horribly. It feels like I havne't seen you all in ages. So much is happenin that I need to catch you up on :) Call you sunday

At 11:04 PM , Blogger Daniel Brown said...

ACM should throw a going-away party for it!


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