Wednesday, November 01, 2006


For the last 2 weeks or so you'd have been hard pressed to find rice in my apartment. Every afternoon, with the exception of T's weekend of hardcore eating out, I would resolve to make myself a meal consisting of rice combined in some fashion with onions, or chicken, or soy sauce. My entire life, whatever kitchen most commonly prepared my food overflowed with rice just bursting with...well it was there. "Ass out of you and me" and all that so I generally began to prepare my meal only to realize midway the paucity I was yolked with. The waste of sliced garlic sickens me to this day.

I finally got fed up this morning and skipped class to purchase a 20 lbs bag of rice. While I meandered through the aisles looking for interesting coupons I stumbled on a display of pomegranates. Up to this point I'd never laid my eyes on a pomegranate so I bought one.

Cut to 30 minutes later. With rice, sausage, mushrooms and onions simmering I sat down and held the pomegranate in front of me like an Escher reflecting globe. For several minutes I sat considering the pomegranate as it blankly stared back. Shamed that I had just purchased a...thing about which I knew nothing with the intent of somehow putting it in my stomach, I popped open the old Wikipedia.

The Wikipedia McLesson armed me with the method of extracting the supposedly delicious and vaguely insect-like seeds in Paulie. It involves a bowl of water, a primitive grasp of density, and a wife-beater that looks like I just killed an entire village of smurfs.

I'm not sure what to do now. The seeds are, in fact, delicious, but I don't really know how to use pomegranate insides. For now I am just eating them with my cereal.


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