Go Daddy
Has anyone else noticed that when you type Go Daddy's address into your favorite browser, you are also typing "God Addy"?
I'll bet I could numerology this into a conspiracy theory.
Life grows more complex and I grow more adept daily
Has anyone else noticed that when you type Go Daddy's address into your favorite browser, you are also typing "God Addy"?
Many many seasons ago, when my grandmother was not more than perhaps a fond figment of imagination my great grandmother, Consuelo De La Garza*, wrote a song. Perhaps she was in the throes of first love or honoring her already steady marriage; perhaps she wrote it for another man. Either way I've seen pictures, she was slammin'.
One might say that I did accomplish something, that discovering a path leads to failure is a valuable thing. But I'm not inventing lightbulbs or frying chicken here.
At some point I had a myspace account, i did. It was a bright and hot summer in Austin and I ducked into the student union to escape the Tennessee Williams heat. Up until that point I had bounced from orkut to friendster ad infinitum until I finally set up a homestead in facebook.