Sunday, December 30, 2007

Go Daddy

Has anyone else noticed that when you type Go Daddy's address into your favorite browser, you are also typing "God Addy"?

I'll bet I could numerology this into a conspiracy theory.



Saturday, December 29, 2007

Por Primera Vez

Many many seasons ago, when my grandmother was not more than perhaps a fond figment of imagination my great grandmother, Consuelo De La Garza*, wrote a song. Perhaps she was in the throes of first love or honoring her already steady marriage; perhaps she wrote it for another man. Either way I've seen pictures, she was slammin'.

This was somewhere around 1910.

When she wrote the song she didn't write it down, she just played it, at the same time impressive and terribly annoying to her progeny. She taught it to my Grandmother, who taught it to my father and his brothers and sisters, and even taught it to my mother. A cherished moment of acceptance to the, very large, family.

I only heard the author of the song play it once, and I was very busy filling my diaper and didn't take the time to appreciate it. Still I heard it played many times including weddings, funerals, and sometimes just in the morning when my mom decided to play it. I think Crystal actually heard it at a family reunion.

At one point Tia Linda, who has been mentioned here several times, sat down to transcribe the damnable song. The result was a noble effort but the sheet music we got our hands on bore only a passing resemblance to the song.

Cut to today, perhaps 15 years later and you'll find my sister, Monica, standing in her pink pajama's in front of my father's printer watching the newly transcribed 'Por Primera Vez'. We even piped the music she generated through a Midi reader, and I can say, without fear of correction, that 'Por Primera Vez' is now very closely approximated on paper, well into it's fifth generation. YAY!

Now I'm working on getting together an mp3 of it that I'll use as the theme to my upcoming hit movie.

*Funny Note: Consuelo De La Garza, my great grandmother, married someone else named De La Garza, who passed away before she married Gregorio Garza, the great grandfather I knew very well. So technically you could refer to my great grandmother as "Consuelo De La Garza De La Garza Garza"

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Agony of Defeat

One might say that I did accomplish something, that discovering a path leads to failure is a valuable thing. But I'm not inventing lightbulbs or frying chicken here.

3 Days. That is probably 15-20 hours of solid work-arounds, hacks, code reading, emails and lackluster status reports only to discover, provably, that it cannot be done. I am shamed and ask permission to end my own life.

Problem solving is like climbing a mountain. While you suffer and bleed during the ascent you find a simple solace in the anticipation of the thrill of victory. Lips chapped and clothing in tatters I finally threw an exhausted arm over the final ledge and laboriously heaved my body up. Collapsing on my back I open the one eye that wasn't swelled shut from that fight with a mountain goat and prepare to survey my prize.

Only this time there was no breathtaking vista. No, I was met with an eye-to-eye view of the base camp I left three days earlier. The support guy was making chili on his Coleman stove.

Sisyphus eat your heart out.

(heh...thats actually a really funny double whammy allusion, did you catch it?)

Monday, December 10, 2007

I Stopped Using Myspace When It Was Called Geocities

At some point I had a myspace account, i did. It was a bright and hot summer in Austin and I ducked into the student union to escape the Tennessee Williams heat. Up until that point I had bounced from orkut to friendster ad infinitum until I finally set up a homestead in facebook.

I didn't want a myspace account because, well lets face it, myspace is uglier than the morning after. One of my classes, a literature class, required that I make a myspace page for one of the characters in the book we were reading and so I rolled up my sleeve in the Union that day and opened a fake account.

Afterward I looked up from my laptop, scanned the room, found the freshmen talent lacking and so needed further distraction. I opened my own myspace account.

Later that day I closed both accounts. While I was flattered beyond reason that so many women wanted me to 'friend' them I just wasn't interested in going to that many vip rooms at fancy club openings. Far be it for me to lead these poor young women on.

So I stuck with Facebook, it's pure interface like drinking from a cool spring of clean water. Refreshing.

But now things aren't so rosey on the Facebook plains. Facebook has taken spam, mated it with pop culture and high-pitched emergency broadcasts and freed the progeny on the facebook interface. The result? I no longer have large breasted co-eds sending me PM's. No, I have vampires and zombies requesting that I create a top friend list and indicate where I've been in case a werewolf were to want to superpoke me in response to my recent movie quiz compatability results.

Which of those two imaginary worlds is more pleasant?