Monday, December 10, 2007

I Stopped Using Myspace When It Was Called Geocities

At some point I had a myspace account, i did. It was a bright and hot summer in Austin and I ducked into the student union to escape the Tennessee Williams heat. Up until that point I had bounced from orkut to friendster ad infinitum until I finally set up a homestead in facebook.

I didn't want a myspace account because, well lets face it, myspace is uglier than the morning after. One of my classes, a literature class, required that I make a myspace page for one of the characters in the book we were reading and so I rolled up my sleeve in the Union that day and opened a fake account.

Afterward I looked up from my laptop, scanned the room, found the freshmen talent lacking and so needed further distraction. I opened my own myspace account.

Later that day I closed both accounts. While I was flattered beyond reason that so many women wanted me to 'friend' them I just wasn't interested in going to that many vip rooms at fancy club openings. Far be it for me to lead these poor young women on.

So I stuck with Facebook, it's pure interface like drinking from a cool spring of clean water. Refreshing.

But now things aren't so rosey on the Facebook plains. Facebook has taken spam, mated it with pop culture and high-pitched emergency broadcasts and freed the progeny on the facebook interface. The result? I no longer have large breasted co-eds sending me PM's. No, I have vampires and zombies requesting that I create a top friend list and indicate where I've been in case a werewolf were to want to superpoke me in response to my recent movie quiz compatability results.

Which of those two imaginary worlds is more pleasant?


At 3:10 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

let us not forget the addition of highly targeted ads and poor privacy protection to the facebooksphere

At 8:14 PM , Blogger crystal said...

it's so sad. i liked fb and now it's sucking.


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