I lack a film crew. So I'll just jot down my idea for a fun little short:
**Black screen with the words "What actually happened".
**This video is shown
**Another black screen with the words "What the media would appreciate you believing"
**Begin our re-enactment
**Camera is on John Kerry finishing an answer
Kerry: And so while media depictions might have leaned otherwise, I have never actually said that Greedo shot first. *points to his left* Yes sir, go ahead
**Cut to Andrew Meyer at the mic. He is wearing a tweed jacket and opening a pair of reading glasses to place on his nose. He has a dog eared copy of some book. The audience is on the verge of a swoon at the sight of their hero.
Meyer: Thank you, Mr. Senator. I all appreciate your taking time to visit us. As we are a little short on time I'll be brief. I am holding a book that discusses in detail the many instances of likely fraud during the 2004 election. Fraud that, if properly fought, held possibilities to retake the election you rightfully won, in a popular sense. How do you respond to accusations of collusion between you and your opponent *Kerry clears his throat with a conspiratorial look at security, who acknowledge with a nod and move off camera, cut back to meyer*, accusations based on your possibly belonging to the same secret *Ding, the timer goes off* society?
**Just as the audience over eyer begins to applause the well thought-out and not in any way crazy question two wired darts hit meyer in his face. Wait a beat so meyer can look confused at first. Then his face is suddenly warped in a grimace of pain as the sounds of millions of volts hit the air. He screams and drops, falling off camera. Cut to a view as seen from Meyer's position, looking up at a huge security guard holding his tazer gun with both hands and laughing maniacally. The strobing light of the shocks splashing across his face a la Frankenstein. You can hear the almost inhuman howls of pain coming from Meyer.
**Eventually the tazer battery runs out or something and after a few erratic spurts of voltage, it is dead. After shaking the gun near his ear the guard is satisfied that it is dead. He gets a look of fear on his face as he looks at meyer writhing on the ground, maybe he takes a step or two back.
Meyer: Please stop, I'll go peacefully.
Security Guard (To his radio, in a fearful timber): I need back up!
**Back up arrives in the form of 10 more burly men. All security guards look to Kerry for instructions. Kerry tacitly instructs the guards with a sinister nod. The guards all pull out their billy clubs and march toward Meyer
Meyer: You don't need t.....
Some Other Guard: Yeah! Stand up and take your Justice!
**They beat him savagely for a bit then leave him and walk out slapping each other on the ass and commenting on how 'extreme' that was.
It could use some work. I think it's funny.