The 90 Is Absolute Piss.
I had a dream last night that for whatever reason I remember more vividly than most. So I am going to take a stab at recording it before I leave for lunch to cap off a horrendously unproductive morning.
The things I remember are as follows: It began in the home of one of my Tias. I can be more specific, it started at the home of one of my redheaded Tias, so Linda or Teresa. I think we were playing a video game or something when my dad said he was going to meet some old friends (so I reckon we were in Rio Grande). I tagged along, but before we left 2 things happened.
1 we looked at this thing on her wall that had little fake fish in this thin clock-like thing filled with water. There were 2 colors of fish and each fish was connected to the others of it's color by a transparent net of strings the apex of which you could manipulate by squishing the clock thing and all the fish would come to your hand. It was kind of neat.
Secondly, I found a bathroom scale in the kitchen. Oh, and the kitchen had nice island. Anyway, I wanted to check how much I weighed but it was to complex so I opted to use the simpler scale next to it. I weighed 253 pounds.
So we leave and stop by a liquor store. Papi wants to get something nice and asks my advice. I, of course, suggest the 1987 Kopke. I described it and he thought it sounded nice so we went in and they had a bottle, but it was 80 clams and Papi went with some regular wine instead. We had a sample of some wine while there and before I got into the car again I realized I still had the glass. So I was gonna return it but then I dropped it on the pavement and it broke, so we left.
Thats it.
The weird thing about it is the numbers I remember. 253, 80, 1987. Thats weird right? Though 1987 would be easy for me to remember since it's by far my favorite Port.