T-Rex, T-Bag, Waves, Brownie...you fucking name it.
So Dylan, Austin, and myself are at Tazza enjoying a pipe and fanciful descriptions of what Dylan and I will do to make our new apartment great. Austin gets a call from T-bag and in the middle is compelled to walk out of earshot. Of course my curiosity was piqued. Eventually I found out that Waves Bitch was calling to discuss, amongst other things, I am sure, his gift to me. I long before knew that as long as I never again wake up and open my bedroom door to find T-bag shirtless anything he would do would bring a smile to my face. So I became excited.
When I was a child my parent's had a hell of a time hiding gifts from me during the holidays. I was mobile, agile, and hostile when it came to the premature acquisition of gifts. As I gained skill they had to store gifts at the Garcia house, a family friend since before I built memories. Unfortunately I had my spies there as well and eventually they hid the presents at houses where I had no friends my age. I think at one point my dad hid a BB gun for my birthday in his office.
Without any means of getting to the presents I satisfied myself with figuring out what they would be. They didn't know it but my parent's, from Thanksgiving to Christmas were under constant questioning. I developed a method of questioning that seems playful and unfruitful while behind it all I was grabbing at scraps of information I would use to deduce what they were dancing around. Even stone cold silence was a treasure trove of information. There was nothing they could do. I remember one year I put together a wish list and gave it to my mother well after she had finished her shopping (I could tell because she would actually be enjoying the vacation). I watched as she read it and tried to read her reactions. That year I accurately guessed with close to 80% accuracy. My best year.
Anyway, I eventually grew up and the excitement of Christmas faded. I actively try to avoid getting gifts from my parents and the ones they do get me they usually take me out to choose (Clothes, shoes, consumer electronics on a fat year). So my skills and methods remained dorment for a handful of years.
I seriously am thinking about whatever T-bag got me 24 fucking hours a day. I've already questioned Austin and T-bag enough to have a good idea of what it might be. Unless it's just way out there from left field. They've both dropped what I currently believe to be very salient bits of information.
Tarang, I know you'll read this eventually. Before I see whatever it is, I want to render my final guess. I have that shit narrowed down to 2 things. And I feel confident.
(laughs) That rocks... but your grammar sucks.
"parent's"? http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_apost.html
"dorment"? spellcheck
-Will Warner
In my defense, though it's a hard pill to swallow after the fact, those are all typos. Once I get the juices flowing I can't be bothered by minor details like...English.
I appreciate the input though. =-D
So did you end up guessing the present correctly?
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