I know very few people ever stumble across this little blog. I was looking over the entries and I can't imagine anyone finding what I write about interesting in the slightest. However in a meta-mastubatory act I have to make the smallest request.
People, update your blogs! Some of us are completely without a life and need to live vicariously through your entombment of whatever exploits you find a thumb in. To be sure I am not one of those pathetic souls but I feel that we, the jet-setting, are yoked with a responsibility to our socially handicapped brethren. So in agency I beg you, if you attend a concert, go on a date, help someone change a tire or dabble in drug muling please record your adventures for those less fortunate than you. Again, you yield in your fingertips the key to many lonely person's happiness.
On a completely unrelated note, I've been doing a lot of cooking lately. I resharpened my skill in preparing spanish rice, carne guisada, enchiladas, and arroz con pollo. I've also tried my hand succesfully at yellow coconut curry, ceviche, migas and lasagna. My unsuccesful endeavours are without name, though no shortage of colorful adjectives come readily to mind upon viewing them.
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