Monday, November 28, 2005


I got contacts today. After Dra. Ocampo, the cute 25 year old new grad, gave me a seemingly thorough eye exam I was handed two contacts to try out. Before trying them out, of course, I had to sit down with Beatrice, the assistant, and learn the intricacies of contact lense usage. After a few minutes of "Don't stab yourself in the eye" and related cautionary words I was given to attempt putting my contacts on for the first time. It took me about 2-3 trys per eye but I managed to get them one. Decreasingly initial discomfort threw me off for the first few minutes but I am getting closer to completetly comfortable with them on. Every now and again my right contact moves and sends my visual world reeling into a haze of blurry inaccuracies. So far I have been able to readjust easily. I can finally get myself a pair of sunglasses. =-D


At 4:27 PM , Blogger alison said...

congrats!! contacts are the greatest!

At 5:01 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

greater than, say, skiing?

At 5:38 PM , Blogger alison said...

umm, let's say contacts make skiing THAT much greater =P

At 7:14 PM , Blogger crystal said...

When I first realized I needed corrective vision thingys, I told my dad I was getting contacts and I didn't want glasses. He made me get glasses in addition to contacts (even if I was never going to wear them). Well, after stabbing my eyes for about 6 months I started using my glasses and I haven't turned back since. Glasses require much much less effort.

At 7:29 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

I've considered the extra effort required and weighed it against the constant grime on my lenses and the inevitably awkward angle my head bends frames into, the inability to read outside an artificially small field of vision, not having sunglasses, sweat falling into the glasses when working out, steaming lenses in rapidly changing temperatures and humidities, etc, etc and hope that I will prefer the contacts.

I still have glasses though, in fact I am wearing them now =-D.

At 12:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the doctor a chick?

At 8:43 AM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

Indeed she was.

At 10:21 AM , Blogger alison said...

She better be a girl. I really hope yer not going around calling guys cute now. =P


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