Thursday, December 08, 2005


The one day that the Texas weather faerie decided to wake up from her "Jager-induced stupor" to realize it is winter and it should be cold was clearly timed to put me in the most peril possible.

Yes, the first hard freeze of the year blew in as I was driving from Austin to Houston to return my furniture etc to Austin. My meticulously prepared schedule was thrown askew by a dinner, a trip to save one then two stray dogs and various and sundry other random events. As a result we were loading up the trailer at night under a blanket of freezing air. It was like moving into a freezer. Except freezers generally don't spew freezing shards of water at your face. Stoic, Godlike, we perservered and got the trailer loaded and collapsed in exhaustion. In the morning we groaned our way to concsiousness and pointed our 32 foot long vehicle west bound. 40 miles into the trip we hit a very long stretch of very icy highway. Now, I don't know if any of you out in the blogosphere have driven a 2 ton truck with a 16 foot trailer in tow on a sheet of ice with hopes to remain moving straight but I don't recommend it. We had a lot of traction loss and one close call but I managed pull the truck into Austin without loss of life or property and in time to return the trailer with no late charge. I shan't be doing that again.

Either way, I am safe in Austin and all my stuff is in storage, awaiting the day I move into my apartment.


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