Civ 4++
Last night, out of boredom, I put my XML/Python skillz to use and threw together a Mormon-Themed mod for Civ 4. It's a very basic mod, I just added a civilization: The Lamenites. The two available Leaders are Moroni and Helaman and the special unit, which replaces the swordsman, is the Stripling Warrior. There are no new graphics so the "mod" is basically the Aztecs with some new names thrown in. The really difficult part was coming up with Lamenite city names besides "Zarahemla". My Mom helped and then I made some up (Mohanri-Moriamcumer City, anyone?). Technically Zarahemla was the Nephite capital, but it changed hands so often I figured it would work.
I'm still working on adding Mormonism as a religion. Though in reality the Lamenites wouldn't have called it Mormonism, favoring some reformed Egyptian phrase for "Church of Christ" or something similar.
Inspired, I am considering putting an entire Nephites/Lamenites scenario together, though that would require research into the modding interface that I don't know I am willing to do. But it would be neat.
Sidebar: Moroni is the guy with the trumpet up on Mormon temples and Christmas trees. He was a General and the symbolic last of the Lamenites. Mormon was his son.
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