Remember Cynthia!
I found myself chatting on the intertroniwebcom with Tan Since I will soon find myself in Seattle and in need of someplace to call my own I quest to bother anyone who will listen with questions about where should live. Tan decided that conversation wasn't enough to warrent her attention and decided instead to pull the rug from beneath my feet by asking "what are your plans, longterm?".
Generally when someone asks me a question about myself I have a well timed and witty response that I use to deftly avoid talking about anything of substance with anyone of substance. So having been asked "what are your plans, longterm" I could respond with a smile and "nailing you're mother" or "breathing steadily" or "exacting the climax of a 10 year plan meticulously laid out to bring about the complete emotional and mental breakdown of a particular woman chosen at random on the street". I managed to cough up a change of subject, but she made me realize I have not a single longterm plan. My last longterm plan is almost over: Graduating and getting a job. Back when Crystal and I were dating oh so many years go she had me write a letter to my graduated self. I stumbled across it and scrawled hastily across the page you'll find the words "you'd better have a damn job". So there you have it, besides nailing your mother I have no longterm plan.
So I have an obvious task set before me. I've given it some thought and even chatted to a consiglieri or two and this is what I have come up for myself for the next 10 years. This list is unfinished.
1. Figure out my religion. I've never been of faith and just the concept seems oxymoronic. Even if I did manage to pray myself into some absolute faith-based knowledge how would that faith be any more valid than someone else who has the exact same faith in something else? It would seem the answer is obvious but it really isn't. It's gonna require some thought.
2. Own land. Preferably in the mountains so my parents can retire there. This shouldn't be that hard since it's just a matter of timing and saving.
3. Build a house. A big one with a big kitchen and a Rottwieller.
4. Be involved in something for 5+ years. I would like to have a boyscout troop but without a son thats just creepy. So I dunno, I'll join or found a club of some sort.
And thats it. Suggestions?
Interesting. I wonder if I wrote myself one of those letters, and if I did, where is it?
I'd like to figure out my faith too. Especially since things have been so strained regarding my faith and our Wedding.
You did, if I recall correctly. I found mine along with scheme code in a box of old school notes.
build something of lasting value to society even if it's just something small like a better front end to the samba daemon for ubuntu.
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