Sunday, December 18, 2005

Will work for food

Well, my first couple of weeks as a homeless man have gone with nary a hitch. I've now crashed at my sister's, sean's, dan and joe's, dave's, matthew's, sarah's, the ACM office and a piano rehearsal room. My mom was in town for some school administration conference a few days back so I also had a few days in the very posh Hilton in downtown Austin. On the day I was sick I actually checked into a low-grade hotel room so I could sleep the entire day and nurse myself to health.

It's an interesting sensation to have no idea where I'm going to sleep next. Though the sensation has been dulled by the instant generosity of my friends here in town. When it comes right down to it I could walk up to anyone's door and inform them I will be sleeping there that night, and they will tolerate me without question. I'm quite blessed, I reckon, when it comes to the people put in my life.

Going ahead I'm on slightly more solid ground. Dave is out of town for the holidays already and tonight I begin to "house-sit" for him. So for the next few days I'll have a bed, and not a moment to soon, either. The past couple of weeks have taken a toll on me when it comes to sore muscles, aching joints and the like. The floors have been unforgiving.

I'm headed back home for The Holiday on Thursday or Friday. I come back Monday, and then it's a mere week until Dylan and I move into the apartment and I can finally be "Home" again. I'm going to talk to the complex tommorrow and see if I can't finaggle an earlier move in for cheapy cheap.


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