I've recently discovered text messaging. It all began on the way home from jolly old Seattle when Dave sent me a text message asking me how Portland was, or something to that affect. It wasn't nearly my first. Not only have I recieved the occasional message from various and sundry friends but my job for 4 months at IBM involved tests on various sms related technologies. No Dave's message wasn't unique simply in existance, but it was unique in that it came to me while my mind had relatively limitless time to ponder. While I regarded the short message I decided to take a few hundred miles to consider and weigh the benefits of texting once again, having previously declared my utter hatred for voice calls and bemoaned the inadequacy of texting to serve as a reasonable replacement.
I settled on a decision chartered simply as "Meh, lets give it a whirl" somewhere near the border of Oregon and Portland and decided responding to Dave's message would be a fine maiden voyage. My first endeavour wasn't the greatest experience. I had yet to discover t9 and so I grew instantly frustrated with the input mechanism available to me and decided texting was stupid.
But a seed was planted and Dave got it in his head that texting was a good way to get in touch with me. It's understandable since I've subjected him to my 10 minute rant on how voice calls suck balls and are, if you really think about it, downright rude. I continued to respond to him and, regardless of the insanely designed input mechanism, began to enjoy the freedom to completely ignore him for indefinite amounts of time. Then other folks caught wind of my text-messagability through standing next to me as I responded to others' messages or some such nonsense and they, in turn began to use texting as a means of getting ahold of me.
At this point I am only responding to a small number of messages and had yet to began creating my own messages. When I recently discovered t9, the shit hit the fan. I began writing new messages. So yesterday I realized I was in love with the concept of texting and went to add more text messages to my plan.
Conclusion: Text me unless I want to talk to you. =-D
Sidebar: Tarang pronounces Academic with the accent on the second 'a': a-CAH-demic. Thats some funny shit.
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