Thursday, February 23, 2006


Does anyone else get extraordinarily horrible dreams if they sleep during the day?

While sleeping at night, the way God, or Mother Nature, or our Insect Overlords intended, I either blissfully sleep without dreaming or have wonderful dreams involving happiness, people I love or want to love, superpowers I will one day have, comfortable surroundings and horrible deaths for my enemies at my hands or the hands of my dog warriors and cat Viziers. Generally I am with someone I miss, or perhaps living out a future I desire. Of course, there are the occasional dreams that are surreal and have no bearing on life itself. There is this one about a paperclip embedded in an old lady's thigh that I have every 5 years or so. I usually push the paper clip, experience abject terror and then wake up, my heart about to burst. Oh, and there is a tree. Those notwithstanding, my night time dreams are generally very happy.

If I take a long nap during the day, however, my subconscious punishes me with the most horrific nightmares I experience. Usually involving horrible violence or the ruination of my life as I know it. I've killed my entire family, commited suicide off a bridge (to prevent a curse..), been tortured, taken hostage, failed out of any of my endeavours, witnessed the deaths of people helplessly, died a lonely old man, etc during these day-nap-mares. They don't happen all the time, but almost exclusively they occur during a day time nap. Isn't that strange?

So usually day naps put me in a bad mood.


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