Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Love, be not proud!

My first Valentine's Day alone since High School. Though all of the interim girlfriends haven't curried any outlandish expectations for Valentine's there is still the social pressure to perform. So disgusted was I with that state of affairs that I just boycotted the holiday entirely, sort of. You can't just ignore it completely, its just not done, it would be uncivilized, like the heathens.

Despite my stag status I found myself at a florist yesterday. Two flowers for Sarah and Anne, who, along with Dylan and myself, banded together for a faux-double date. Like a shore's cliff we stood against the sea of loneliness brought to swell and then break by the storm of the holiday. To scuttle with your expectations, we shouted in unison.

Actually we just went to Macaroni grill. Very little shouting was involved, and steadfast defiance was conspicuously absent from the evening. Add that two members of our lonely hearts club were either dating someone or have strong prospects for dating someone and the entire 'sea' metaphor seems to...ebb. What can I do? I don't surround myself by people that would have trouble finding love.

I, however, remain stalwart in my resolution to remain single until the end of the year. History, of course, doesn't look happily upon my will. A philanderer at heart and, despite my general hatred for the female half of the species and all social norms involving dating, a hopeless romantic I will at the very least suffer unrequited love by the year's end. Worry not, because these crushes are the roux of the Alfonso you know so well.

sidebar: After establishing and stating that a girl had to much of a Dickenson "my love left and so did my life" vibe and was likely a lesbian, I was told that I am not cultured enough to be as well read as I am. Thats /another/ weird comment about this particular personality aspect. I am growing angry at this. People, just with hold your comments.


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