Thursday, February 16, 2006


Did you see that Chinese guy fling his partner half-way across the rink discus-style? And then she lands square on her knee from a spinning 14 feet in the air? And then the music stops and they take a look at her and she's all "Naw man, fuck that shit, we are doing this, push that bone back in, get your ass on the ice and fling me right this time nancy boy!" and then she goes out and wins a god damn silver metal? And then afterwards she has a bowl of galvanized nails for lunch and tears the limbs off of anti-communist journalists with her bear hands? Yeah, that chick was awesome, and graceful. Thats good Olympic times right there.

You gotta give props to the dude too, he skated with confidence even though he almost drove his partner through the ice like a railroad spike. And dude was ripped like Jin. That poor Russian bloke had quite a time regaining his footing after using his partner's head for a curling broom. And they got the Gold. I shiver with delight.

Conclusion: These figure skating women are hardcore.


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