Monday, March 17, 2008

I Think The Bard Said it

"This above all else, to thine own self be true."

A most noble goal. In reality it serves as the parent scruple from which I derive the many child scruples that comprise my entire....scruple....parentage.

Recently, while thinking on this, I boggled at how awesome it would be to share a telepathic link with your significant other.

Some semantics are required here. By telepathic link I do not mean to imply some form of active message passing during a game of win, lose or draw. I mean a passive empathy coupled with the ability to carry out unsolicited probes of the other's mind.

What I mean to create here is a complete destruction of my ability to hide anything about myself. Because the one who knows your purest form and chooses still to remain is an incredibly valuable person.

And lets face it! Every one hides the major part of their selves. In your entire social experience, if you took the sum total of what your friends allowed you to see about themselves you would have maybe 1 or 2 entire people, spread across hundreds.

I expressed this sentiment to a few folks and each one, with no exception, blanched in their response. What a terrible idea, this. I wouldn't be able to hide anything!

I've always considered my inability to be completely honest about myself as a shortcoming. A reason for shame. It would seem, however, that I am alone in this opinion. The small dataset I have indicates that folks view it not as an inability, but a superpower. A shovel, if you will, with which they have created entrenchments that they intend to protect to the end. Not even the girlfriend, or wife allowed in.

I'm sad about that.


At 3:56 PM , Blogger crystal said...

As a former gf of lebouf, I must say I never knew what you were thinking and it drove me insane.

I think it could be neat. Maybe.

At 4:49 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

There exists a remarkable probability that knowing what I was thinking would have down the same.

But that there is the rub, isn't it?

Unfortunately, like communism this little theory is slave to mankind's shortcomings.


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