I am in geography right now. So I decided to read about AJAX. I've always known how most of AJAX worked, but I always black-boxed the gathering of new data in my mind and left it there for later perusal. It seemed absurd to me that google et. al. seemed to have an endless stream of data from their servers without committing any http requests.
Turns out it is absurd, and the key element I had not discovered was the client-side script object XMLhttprequest. Essentially the site is making many requests, only without telling you. It is "Asynchroneous". Extremely clever. The gains are purely aesthetic, but aesthetics are fun.
I want in. I need a project now. Maybe even something in ruby...I dunno.
OOOOoooo, I know wordpress has ajax plugins...that sounds like a marvelous place to start.
Wait..jacobo is dead...=-(
It's not purely aesthetic; the usability gains are huge.
But I think javascript still lacks a good development platform... Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!
I would argue that usability is merely a form of aesthetics. Usability, by definition, doesn't offer any functionality, only efficiancy and a pleasant experience.
My language might have been wrong then, since usability is going to be more important than any functionality that is obfuscated by its interface.
Still, it's an aesthetic gain.
I've avoided javascript my entire coding career... I am but an egg.
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