Jacobo, We Hardly Knew Ye
Sometime in the middle of season 8 of friends my connection to Jacobo was lost. Through a complex process of pinging, sshing and prayer I determined that Jacobo was in fact the offending system.
So I focused my troubleshooting efforts on the physical Jacobo. It wasn't sending video to my tv and, even worse, wasn't spitting out /any/ POST beeps. So I hauled a spare monitor over and connected to see what I could see. Nothing. Jacobo just stared at me blankly like an uncooperative can of biscuits. So I did what anyone would do when there aren't any post beeps: I wept uncontrollably and endeavored to zero in on which piece of my system had died.
When I opened the case I immediatly knew the problem: The cpu fan and heatsink had apparently decided cooling the cpu wasn't a worthy persuit and opted instead to sit comfortably on the bottem of my case. The cpu was D.E.D. dead. Burnt to a crisp. It even smelled funny.
Not the worse thing. Since Jacobo is my main linux box I'll likely need to get it up and running soonish. but for now it's all gone.
Hey, Al. I'm interested in experimenting with Linux. Can you shoot me an email to let me know how?
michaelstewart is my gmail
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