I keep close tabs on the traffic to my site; well, as close of tabs as I can. Since I don't generate the frenzied international traffic that I might prefer to my paltry few hits a day I can look at each hit one by one. I don't do it often since I can't glean much more information than visit time, system info, and geographic aproximation. But I'll take a look every now and then to see if anyone interesting is popping up.
So every now and again I was getting a hit by a spider under the auspices of's abbreviated dns names. The site is basically a third party web traffic monitor, sort of an elective net nanny system. For a while I was bothered by it, I couldn't concieve of any reason for them to periodcially scan my blog. I looked into the site further and actually thought it was a neat idea, assuming a lack of compulsory use.
Anyway, I found out that Dave uses the site and since he visits my blog every now and again it scans my site. Not only that, but in the past my blog has gotten him questioned because of entry titles like "Yay Boobies". That gives me warm fuzzies. The guy that reports to on Dave is a guy named John Murchinson.
Mr. Murchison, Dave is a good guy as you surely already know. We all love him.
So now I'd like to discuss the Windfucker, Woodcock, Titpecker, and Booby. The Windfucker, or the Kestral as it is now known, is a bird of prey belonging to the falcon family Falconidae. The Woodcock are a group of seven very similar wading bird species in the genus Scolopax and are of a size to be preyed on by the Windfucker. The Titpecker is similar to a Woodpecker but is gigantic in comparison. Now, on another vein, the Boobies are part of the family Sulidae, a group of seabirds closely related to gannets. Often you'll see large wet Boobies on the beach.
Now you're just trying to be as cool is Joe Reisinger.
You're a bad, bad man.
I used to use that program. It's all right, but can really be a pain when you're wireless and need to log in or something, like at a hotel.
The inspirition of using the "Windfucker" indeed came from
wherin Joe brought to relief the existance of birds with dirty names.
However, the idea of getting Dave in trouble with his discipler is all mine baby! And I found the woodcock and booby and titpecker of my own accord.
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