Thursday, April 13, 2006

Google Calendar

Google Calendar went live today. I'm not going to make use of it I can tell you now. Also I will cease to use various other services that google provides, mayhaps you'll find me using from here on out. My reasons are not based in Google's quality or the technological advantages their competitors might offer; my reasons are much more simple.

I don't want any one company to control that much of the information I use on an everyday basis. If we keep giving google all this control they could just delete any person or historical fact at will. a la that Star Trek episode with the dome.

"Where is Al"
"I dunno, google his current location"
" says he never existed"
"Odd, I guess we made him up"

And boom, I am effectively erased from the collective memory of everyone I love. Procreation will no longer be the way to leave a legacy on the world, rather you would opt for upping your google pagerank. It's a scary thought.

Sidebar: I typed this entry on two keyboards. One for my left hand and one for my right hand. It's a ver intersting thing to watch one hand type its half of a sentence.


At 12:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smile! You just blogged this on a google service :)

At 1:19 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

lol, they are a sneaky bunch. I never said I'd completely stop using google services, this can be one of the ones I use



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