Wednesday, November 09, 2005


We got put in cubes
I was given a whiteboard
This is what they wrote:

In Microsoft cube
What is my major goal now?
-- Alfonso (The first one that inspired the rest =-)

A great sea of cubes
Let fly your neighbor's airplane
I need a nerf gun.
-- Alfonso

Work on, Cube people,
You must raise value of stock.
No office for you!
-- Jim

"Cubes won't be that bad,
Just remember to find bugs!"
We are cube monkeys.
-- Amy (The first two lines are an actual quote, fun)

In Microsoft cube
I look at the screen blankly.
What was my major?
-- Tanya, remix of Alfonso's haiku

In Microsoft cubes
Everyone is watching the
Bottom line. Are you?
-- Jim & Tanya (This is fucking hilarious to a select few)

Tonight, like last night,
If not for Network Outage,
I'd be trooping on.
-- Tanya

Thanks for the cookies
Hey, someone took my guest chair
Cubicle Commune
-- Alfonso & Tan (Donna both gave me the cookies and took my guest chair)

Late night in the cube
Nobody's phone is ringing
I'm s'damn lonely
-- Unknown (we argued over whether the 's' counts as a syllable)

Morning Radio
Drumming in my ear the name
of Saddam Hussein
-- Tan

Perfect remedy
I'll be bringing home today
Plasma screen TV
-- Tan (in a brilliant fit of cynicism)

This is not a cube
I have invisible walls
Get my resume
-- Rob (his cube is a "window" cube meaning there is no wall)

No haiku today
Productivity instead
Oh Shit, just wrote one
-- Jim

Get back to work, jerk
Go, Automate your best test
N'do it right, tonight
-- Unkown (I really dislike this one)

Taquitos, yum, yum
Mexican breakfast, so good
Oh my God, kill me

I will win this hand!
Pocket aces are my cards!
Tatiana wins
--Jim (this commemorates a poker win streak the likes of which we had never seen)


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