Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tootie Fruity

Good weekend! I started off finishing class on Friday. I don't know if you've ever had the pleasure but finishing class on Friday is great. Not only because you are finishing class, but you are finishing class on Friday. Seriously, give it a whirl if you're feeling squirrely. Anyway, I had a metric assload of work due at weekend's end so I skeedaddled to Tazza and sat and worked until I finished all the assignments with the exception of one essay and the coding project.

I went home and found Dylan watching a little SG-1. So I sat down and we marathoned it while I waited for life to shower me with fun and happiness. Generally when I do this very thing I fall asleep at 2 alone and sad. Not this time though since I got a ring from Sean. So I wound up at Jefferson commons amongst old friends, new friends and perfect strangers playing volleyball and getting tipsy after a coupla beer bongs and a non-insignificant amount of malibu.

I woke up saturday morning at 9 to get a head start on some stuff and meet my partner to work on our project. I was only slightly hung-over and managed to plow through the day in a state massive productivity. That night was the Riverboat Gamblers concert. I've never been a huge fan of Punk music; it's like one of those magic images that are full of visual noise and only after a long period of squinting and head-tilting will you be able to appreciate any midly discernable aspects. Other side of the coin: If you want to bop around wildly, there is just no better place than a punk concert. I /love/ to bop around wildly. I've only been to maybe 3 punk concerts in my life and none of them were nearly as good as Riverboat Gamblers. The lead guy was literally bouncing off the walls, hanging off the rafters and colliding with anything that stood still for more than a fleeting second, literally. The moshing was good too. Some dude decided to crowd surf straight into my head, but save a shirt soaked in 30 other peoples' sweat that was all the damage. Once I saw Sarah holding her own I was free to zone out and collide with any warm body in my vicinity. Fun.

After the concert we went to Sean's again for a very short visit. They were having fun but the concert was draining and I smelled six ways to mother's day. Home at 3, up at 10 to hit the code again. We finished it off and turned it in this afternoon leaving me free to do laundry and clean the damn kitchen and bathroom. Dylan and I rented a coupla flicks. One of them was Lord of War, just standard Nicolas Cage fantasticossitude. The other was "Reign of Fire" or, as Dylan so succinctly put it: "Dragons Vs. Helicopters". I managed to finish my essay during the movies and put down a handful of wings from Pluckers.

It's mundane, it's not worth mentioning but, damnit, it's what makes me happy. ^_^

Sidebar: The morning after the concert I woke up with the worst headache I have ever had excepting only the time I got knocked out by that closet door and [obligatory ex-girlfriend joke]. I managed to shake it off before we started watching those movies.


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