Saturday, June 24, 2006

Shake That Laffy Taffy

We had a small, impromptu gathering at our place last night. Really, you could call it a party. It was actually extraordinarily impromptu. Nonetheless it was very fun and exactly what I've been needing for a while now. It turns out that 12 hours in 6 weeks build up a non-insignificant amount of stress and kathartic social events are really my only means of release =-D.

[EDIT: In the below paragraph "Taffy" means the literal definition of Candy -- Thanks J]
Also, earlier in the evening, Sarah and I endeveoured again to make taffy and met with astounding succuss. We were pulling the taffy when others arrived at our place so we had no shortage of guinea pigs to try our newly made taffy. Try to picture this: 6 people sitting in my living room in dead silence all gnawing on a peice of taffy. *Smack* *Smack* *Smack* They looked like a bunch of cows chewing on cud =-D.

Oh, and tell me if this is clever: "I think haiku's are proof enough that poetry is uncountably infinite"


At 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought "make taffy" was a euphamism until about halfway through that paragraph.

At 2:05 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

Lol, from the mouth of JT. I put a note

At 6:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was me, by the way, I hit enter before I typed my full name.

I was also going to put in a note about how I felt bad you were having such a problem "making taffy". Though I've heard they're making good progress on that medically.

At 8:17 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

oh, it did seem out of character for JT

At 8:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poetry is countably infinite, and haiku's are probably finite.

A poem is a finite string in a language with a finite alphabet. Since a poem can be arbitrarily long, poetry is infinite, but since the entire language is countable, poetry is countable.

A haiku is a poem with 17 syllables. Assuming that a single syllable can't be formed from an arbitrarily long string of letters, haiku's have a maximum string length, so there can't be inifinitely many of them in a finite alphabet. This assumption seems pretty reasonable, so haiku's are probably finite.

...Maybe I missed the joke.

At 8:37 PM , Blogger Alfonso Lopez said...

You absolutely missed the joke, I am shamed

At 11:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


As consolation, do you want to hear about initial algebras and interpretation mappings?


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